Ordered and Unordered Lists
Organize information with ordered and unordered lists.

HTML provides you with three basic list types:

  1. Unordered lists, which can include bullets

    <LI> Item One.
    <LI> Item Two.
    <LI> Item Three.

    diplays as

    • Item One.
    • Item Two.
    • Item Three.

  2. Ordered lists, a list that contains items in a sequence or series, such as numbered items

    <LI> Item One.
    <LI> Item Two.
    <LI> Item Three.

    diplays as

    1. Item One.
    2. Item Two.
    3. Item Three.

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I would appreciate comments, corrections, and
suggestions for how I can improve this course.

Nancy Blachman
Variable Symbols, Inc.
356 Bush Street
Mountain View, CA 94041-1332
650 966 8999
650 966 8998 fax
nancy- at -variablesymbols.com

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